Monday, March 22, 2010

ZEN (devotion)

ZEN is doing what you're doing

BEING conscious when you're conscious

EXPERIENCING that other world when you're dreaming

εὐχαριστέω ταῖς Μούσαις διὰ τῆν ᾠδήν. [Unicode Greek]
[Eucharistew tais Mousais dia thn Wdhn.]-Betacode Greek

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Life is.

Death's naught.

Don't be naughty now!

della aura coloratura

raging desires

habitual fears

even subtle emotions

la coloratura

della aura arcana

Saturday, March 20, 2010

ὁ Ἕσπερος ὁ Δαίμων

ἥκει ὁ Ἕσπερος ὁ Δαίμων

καὶ κάχλαζει τό μέθυ

καγχαλάω καὶ ἐγών

Notes: This is the very first poem I've composed in Classical Attic Greek. Translation:
The divine power of Evening has come [upon us]

And strong wines are plashing [as I listen]

I, my Self, am laughing [a cackling hen]

Evening being a Greek god or daimon (a spiritual power) is therefore capitalized.

κάχλαζει [plashing] and καγχαλάω [loud raucous laughter] are omomatopoeic words; that is, their sound is based on the respective natural sounds. They are Homeric words, found in the Odyssey and Iliad.
I didn't deliberately follow any stereotyped rhythm pattern that the Ancients used.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

from the Song of Thyrsis, #1 of Theocritus

How sweetly this susurrous pine sings, Goatboy,

this trickling trickle from the springs also sings.

and I'm sussing that pretty tune you're piping.

I'm working on a translation of the full #1 of Theocritus on my blog at where I put some long-term writing projects.

Beware the Ides of March!

pregnant airs whispering

'mid the susurrous trees:

"Dark o' the moon tomorrow.

Beware the Ides of March!"

Friday, March 5, 2010

La Chasse d'Amour

emboss me not o

susurrous friend;

sensuous stealth,

stealing my heart

silences my mind.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

95% Lovely Crone Moon [March Madness]

Lo Gibbous Luna / Tic Lillium Trillium Lee / Yet A Lov-el-ly Full Moon I See / tho ninety five percent illumined only
[gibbering like a news reader in Americay, I am Yoda, emperor emeritus, sennin ^^^ 1 ]